I’d like to see this functionality expanded to shorter bite-size tips that appear at random on start-up. If you prefer to read the tips in context, go to a specific window, such as the Welcome window, click the Useful Tips pop-out on the far right and see the relevant tips for that part of Studio: You can browse through all cards here by selecting See All and then clicking the right arrow. To access these tips at any time, go to the Help tab and click the Useful tips collection icon in the ribbon. Many of the videos have also been localised.

Useful Tips are displayed in the language you’ve chosen for your Studio interface (select DE, EN, ES, FR, KO, IT, RU or ZH in View > User Interface Language).

They’re short and to the point: just two or three sentences, a few words in bold and a link, sometimes, to a pdf or a video. What’s New is just one of a series of Useful Tips or pop-up cards that give you a nugget of information about one particular feature. What’s New lists the five main improvements, which I’ll run through one by one: That’s cool – Studio tells you what you need to know, just when you want it. The very first time you open Studio 2019, you’ll see a welcome screen with two buttons: Get Started (a 10-minute video for beginners) and See What’s New. In short, it’s all about making Studio easier for beginners and experienced users alike. SDL Trados Studio 2019 has just been released and I’m delighted to announce that it’s not full of new features! Most improvements focus on refining existing functions and enhancing accessibility. Every time a new Trados version comes out, I write about its new features.